About Moviesurg

MovieSurg's mission is to provide information on surgical procedures to the general surgical community that includes surgeons, residents, general practitioners and nurses. A survey among those tells us that the best level of education can be reached when the procedure is presented visually . This brought us to the idea to create a website that meets those requirements.
The unique concept of our website is the fact that the educational video is recorded with a helmetcamera. The so called surgeons-point-of-view provides the information just as the surgeon sees it, which makes it more detailed and complete. We are trying to update the information to the latest scientific evidence (if available), which is provided in each 'chapter'. The information will be provided free of charge.
Privacy policy
MovieSurg is committed to protect the user's privacy. MovieSurg does not collect user's personal identifying information except when requested from such users (e.g. newsletter signup or future site registration). Any information collected by our website, such as email address, will never be passed on to any third party, unless required by law. Users may receive information from MovieSurg regarding recently added content and/or services. Users will always have the possibility to discontinue receiving any future information.
No WarrantiesNo information provided by MovieSurg or its employees or those of its affiliated organizations shall create a warranty. MovieSurg shall not be liable for any undesirable results or effects that may result from the application of the proposed operating techniques. Furthermore, MovieSurg does not guarantee any result following the implementation of any information or technique proposed on our site. MovieSurg shall not be rendered liable for any indirect damage, any loss of business, loss of exploitation, damages, punitive damages, liquidative damages, moral prejudice, legal proceedings, loss of brand image, loss of earnings.
Link Disclaimer
Links are provided only as an informational resource. Please note that many of the links provided are external links and not maintained by MovieSurg or affiliated with any services provided by us. These links are provided only as a service, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve any of the content at the linked site(s).
Errors and Information Subject to Change
The information on this web site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Accordingly, MovieSurg is not liable in the event of errors in any of the texts, photos, illustrations or movies published on the website. Furthermore, the information may change from time to time without any notice.
Copyright and intellectual property
Copyright is applicable for all movies, texts, illustrations and photos on the site.
All texts, animations, illustrations, photos and videos, are made specifically for the use on MovieSurg. The rights to texts written by authors or procedures recorded by others have been transferred to MovieSurg. The use of one of the above or the name MovieSurg requires our prior written authorisation before any distribution thereof.
Ethical principles
MovieSurg follows the ethical principles applying to medical information and healthcare services provided, specifically on the Internet. Accordingly, for all videos and pictures on this site, informed consent was obtained.
User responsibility
The information on MovieSurg shall not be used by any user to formulate a diagnosis or to determine a treatment course, including the taking and/or discontinuance of medication, without prior consultation of a doctor. Never may the proposed information or technique serve as replacement for a consultation, an examination or a diagnosis by a doctor. Futhermore, the information on the site may not be used to promote a surgical technique.
The user acknowledges that the information on our site may not be complete nor thorough and that it is presented in relation to specific cases. It therefore cannot be applied generally and the information does not cover the entire range of symptoms, medicinal products and courses of treatment in relation to the various complaints concerned.
Financial aspects
Financial support is made possible by personal funds from the founder of this website. To date free access to the site is possible without advertisement